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Transforming through Education

Driving sustainable change through the promotion of effective governance practices, fostering transparency, accountability, and equitable decision-making.

The Center for the Promotion of Human Rights and Development in Africa (CPHDA) is aware that the Africa of tomorrow will only be able to develop and become better, productive and competitive thanks to the education and training of its populations.  This is why CPHDA invests in the education sector and ensures that every child living in urban or rural areas can have equitable access to quality education that gives them life skills and allows them to positively impact the lives of his family, his community and his nation. CPHDA develops innovative approaches and strategies in the field of education with a view to improving the academic performance of children, young people and adults through continuous learning and the search for educational excellence. Through its various projects and programs supported by different donors, CPHDA works to improve the fundamental skills of children, young girls and boys, and adults in the areas of reading, arithmetic, writing, as well as in field of professional training with a view to providing real skills to young people and enabling them to integrate into socio-professional life. CPHDA has also designed tools that allow it to more easily engage parents, communities, basic community education organizations (CGS/AME/APE), local authorities but also the private sector in the implementation of its various educational projects in Africa with a view to achieving convincing results and positive changes in the long term.

CPHDA’s education division focuses on four major areas: education policy, literacy and girl education, youth livelihoods and workforce development, and community mobilization.

Our service offering includes:
  • capacity building and development;
  • planning and policy capability;
  • organizational/administrative innovation capability;
  • community mobilization;
  • non-formal learning;
  • youth workforce development;
  • teacher and administrator professional development;
  • individual/human resource capability;

+ 225 27 2230 6495


Education in Africa

Empowering Africa's Sustainable Development

Some achievements in Education

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